True or False - Stone Age

Year 3
True or False - Stone Age
Focus Education
Focus Education
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True or False - Stone Age

  • The Stone Age people had to hunt for their food. T
  • Stone Age children went to school. F
  • The Iron Age came before the Bronze Age. F
  • People started to live in hill forts during the Iron Age. T
  • Dinosaurs used to eat many people in the Stone Age. F
  • Skara Brae is in Scotland. T
  • Discovering iron ore made life much better for the Iron Age people. T

How did Britain change between the beginning of the Stone Age and the end of the Iron Age?

During this extensive period, Britain underwent significant changes. In the Stone Age, life was primarily nomadic with people hunting and gathering for sustenance. As time progressed, they developed better tools and began to practice agriculture. By the end of the Iron Age, there had been substantial advancements in technology and society. People had discovered iron, which led to stronger tools and weapons, and they had started to settle in more permanent structures like hill forts. These developments laid the foundations for the complex societies that would follow in Britain.