Word sorts - Trains and Planes

Geography Resource Description
This engaging activity is designed for Year 2 students to help them distinguish between words associated with trains and planes, and those that are not. Working in pairs, the children are encouraged to have a discussion and identify six words from the provided list that are related to the theme of trains and airports, as well as six words that are unrelated. Each pair earns one point for every correct word they identify. The activity is time-bound, allowing the children a total of ten minutes to complete the task.
The list includes a mix of words such as 'Heathrow', 'road', 'river', 'station', 'mountain', 'airport', 'security', 'England', 'bicycle', 'scooter', 'ticket', and 'passport'. The children are instructed to put a circle around the words that are relevant to trains and planes. This exercise not only helps with vocabulary building but also encourages the students to think about the different elements and activities that are specific to airports and train stations. It's an interactive way to learn about transportation while collaborating with classmates.