Kensuke's Kingdom Unit 3 Teaching Slides

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom Unit 3 Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Unit 3 of the 'Kensuke's Kingdom' teaching slides presents a series of English tasks focused on chapter 4, where students delve into Michael's struggle for survival after being cast overboard into the sea and subsequently washed up on a deserted island. The pupils are tasked with writing an eyewitness account of the harrowing incident involving Michael and his dog, Stella Artois, using a detailed toolkit to guide their narrative. This toolkit prompts them to include a timeline of events, relevant details, and formal language, among other elements. They are also encouraged to evaluate their writing through proofreading prompts, ensuring the correct use of punctuation, verb tenses, and the inclusion of target vocabulary words. Additionally, they must reflect on Michael's precarious situation on the island by identifying five potential dangers he faces.

Further enriching their vocabulary, students are introduced to new words and phrases from the chapter, which they are expected to discuss with a partner and then incorporate into their own sentences. These words range from 'summit' to 'cacophony', each adding depth to their understanding of the text. Finally, the unit challenges students to shift their perspective and write a persuasive piece that portrays the island not as a place of danger and isolation but as a desirable tourist destination. This exercise requires them to reimagine the island's depiction in the book and use their creativity to attract visitors, all within a concise 100-word limit, demonstrating their ability to use language effectively to influence the reader's viewpoint.