Kensuke's Kingdom Unit 2 Teaching Slides

Year 6
Kensuke's Kingdom Unit 2 Teaching Slides
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the Kensuke's Kingdom Unit 2 Teaching Slides, Chapter 3 invites students to delve into the intimate details of a sea voyage through the log entries of a character named Michael. These entries not only chronicle the journey but also reflect the emotional atmosphere on board the ship, Peggy Sue. Students are encouraged to engage with the text by locating the multitude of places mentioned across the globe, thereby integrating geography with literature. They will map out continents and oceans, enhancing their spatial awareness and understanding of the world. The chapter also offers insights into Michael's mother's personality, prompting students to summarise her traits, and introduces historical context by mentioning St Helena, where the renowned leader Napoleon was exiled. Students are tasked with researching Napoleon and two significant stops on the voyage, Cape Town in South Africa and Perth in Australia, imagining the sights they would be eager to see.

The teaching slides further explore the nautical theme by presenting students with maritime terminology such as 'pitching and rolling', 'sextant', and 'mainsail'. Pupils are expected to research and understand these terms, immersing themselves in the language of seafaring. They are also asked to use a 'Diamond 9' strategy to evaluate and prioritise vocabulary that best captures the personality of Michael's mother, considering words like 'resilient', 'courageous', and 'feisty'. Additionally, the significance of a ball that becomes symbolic during the journey is examined, prompting reflection on its importance to the characters. Through these interactive tasks, students are not only learning about the plot and characters but are also developing research skills and enhancing their vocabulary and geographical knowledge.