Word match - Food types

Science Resource Description
When categorising food types based on their primary nutrient content, it's essential to understand the role each nutrient plays in our diet. Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy, proteins are vital for growth and repair, and fruits are rich in vitamins and fibre. For the word match activity, the foods can be grouped as follows: Carbohydrates would include pasta, bread, and potatoes, as these are rich in starches that provide energy. Proteins are found in eggs, fish, and cheese, which are key for building and repairing tissues. Lastly, the fruits category would consist of grapes, orange, and mango, which are known for their high vitamin content and natural sugars.
Understanding the importance of a balanced diet brings us to the question of why humans have skeletons and muscles, a topic for Year 3 students learning about nutrients. The human skeleton provides structure to the body, protects internal organs, and allows for movement in conjunction with muscles. Muscles, which are made of protein, enable us to move and perform activities by contracting and relaxing. They work with the skeleton to give the body strength, flexibility, and the ability to interact with the physical world. Both the skeleton and muscles are essential components of the human body, each playing a crucial role in our daily lives.