Which materials can be squashed, twisted or bent according to need? - Teacher notes

Year 2
Which materials can be squashed, twisted or bent according to need? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In this educational unit, students delve into the intriguing world of material properties, exploring how certain substances can be manipulated through actions such as twisting, bending, and squashing. The unit begins with an examination of materials that can be twisted, encouraging students to investigate which among five specified materials can undergo this transformation without the application of heat. This exploration serves as a foundation for subsequent investigations into the properties of stretching and squashing materials.

After an initial focus on the five selected materials, the inquiry broadens to include other materials that might be subjected to bending, stretching, or squashing. Students are guided to consider how different materials respond to these forces and to record their observations and findings. To aid their understanding, they are directed to watch a BBC Bitesize video on the changing shapes of materials. This visual resource complements the hands-on learning experience, providing a practical demonstration of the concepts being studied. As part of their learning journey, students are encouraged to create illustrations that depict the materials in their altered states, thereby visualising the potential of materials to be squashed, twisted, or bent according to need.