Bends and stays bent? - Worksheet

Year 2
Bends and stays bent? - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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The worksheet in question deals with the properties of materials, specifically their ability to bend. It distinguishes between materials that, once bent, stay in their new shape and those that can return to their original form after being bent. This categorisation is essential for understanding how different materials respond to manipulation and can be used to determine the most suitable material for a specific application. The worksheet prompts students to consider the practical uses of materials in their surroundings and to explore which ones can be squashed, twisted, or bent as needed. Such an exploration encourages hands-on learning and critical thinking about the everyday use of various materials.

Slide 1 of this resource likely presents visual aids or further information to help students identify and categorise materials based on their bending properties. The aim is to engage students with the concept of material flexibility and resilience, leading them to investigate how materials behave under different conditions. This knowledge is fundamental in fields such as engineering, design, and technology, where selecting the appropriate material is crucial for the functionality and durability of a product. By learning about the bending properties of materials, students gain insight into material science and its practical applications in the real world.