Material fact file - Worksheet

Year 2
Material fact file - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

AI generated

This worksheet is crafted to aid students in exploring and understanding different materials and their applications. It starts with a proforma, prompting the learner to identify the name of a specific material and include a picture for visual reference. The worksheet encourages critical thinking by asking where the material was found and why it was chosen for that particular location or purpose. This leads to a discussion about alternative materials that could have served the same function, enhancing the student's ability to evaluate the suitability of different resources for specific tasks.

The worksheet continues to deepen the student's research and practical skills by asking where one might purchase the material in question. This real-world application ensures that learners are not only able to identify and understand the materials but also know how to source them. Furthermore, the worksheet prompts students to consider the broader question of how to maximise the use of materials around us. It encourages reflection on why certain materials like glass, wood, plastic, brick, or metal are chosen for specific roles, considering factors such as durability, cost, aesthetics, and environmental impact. This comprehensive approach helps students to appreciate the importance of material selection in everyday life and in various industries.