Why did the dinosaurs die out? - Writing task

Year 2
Why did the dinosaurs die out? - Writing task
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The extinction of the dinosaurs is one of the most intriguing mysteries of natural history. The prevailing theory suggests that a catastrophic event, such as a massive asteroid impact, triggered their demise approximately 66 million years ago. This colossal collision would have unleashed an enormous amount of energy, equivalent to billions of atomic bombs, causing widespread wildfires, triggering tsunamis, and launching so much debris into the atmosphere that sunlight was obscured. This "impact winter" would have led to a dramatic drop in global temperatures and disrupted the food chain, making survival incredibly difficult for dinosaurs. Over time, these conditions likely resulted in the extinction of these once-dominant creatures, paving the way for mammals and eventually humans to thrive.

When it comes to animal habitats, creatures tend to choose environments that offer the necessary resources for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and opportunities for reproduction. Each species has adapted to thrive in specific conditions, which is why we find such diversity in ecosystems around the world. Additionally, many animals, including a vast array of species ranging from insects and amphibians to reptiles and birds, begin their life cycle as eggs. This reproductive strategy offers protection and sustenance to the developing embryo and is a testament to the incredible variety of life's beginnings on our planet.