Animals that lay eggs fact file - Worksheet

Year 2
Animals that lay eggs fact file - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
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This engaging worksheet is designed to spark curiosity among pupils about the fascinating world of oviparous animals, those that lay eggs. Working collaboratively in groups of four, each pupil is tasked with researching different animals that lay eggs, with a focus on a variety of species. To ensure a broad range of information, each pupil will explore three different creatures, with the stipulation that only one of these can be a bird. This approach ensures that the group as a whole will compile a diverse collection of 12 examples to enrich their learning experience.

The worksheet provides a structured proforma for pupils to document their findings, prompting them to include the name and an image of the animal or bird, the number of eggs laid, the size of the eggs, the incubation period, and a picture of the egg itself. Additionally, the worksheet encourages pupils to delve deeper by considering why animals choose specific habitats and which animals begin their life cycle as an egg. The ultimate goal of the activity is for each group to assemble a comprehensive booklet that showcases the variety of egg-laying animals and their unique characteristics, providing a valuable educational resource that combines science with creative presentation.