Living Things and their Habitats - Assessment

Year 6
Living Things and their Habitats - Assessment
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The Year Six Living Things and Their Habitats Assessment is a comprehensive examination designed to evaluate students' understanding of biological classification, characteristics of mammals, and the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. The assessment begins with a question that requires students to formulate questions to categorize animals into groups. Subsequently, it tests knowledge of the six kingdoms of living things by asking for the names of two kingdoms. A series of true or false statements about mammals helps to assess misconceptions and grasp of mammalian traits.

Further questions delve into the anatomy distinguishing vertebrates from invertebrates, the classification of animals into their respective classes, and specifics about the characteristics of koalas. Students are also asked to identify unique features of a dragonfly and to name various types of micro-organisms, highlighting the role of helpful and harmful microorganisms in the environment. The assessment includes a practical application of scientific inquiry, where students interpret experimental data related to bacterial growth under different conditions, demonstrating their understanding of factors that affect microbial proliferation and the importance of food preservation. The examination concludes with questions aimed at identifying variables and drawing conclusions from the given experimental results.