Living Things and their Habitats - Risk Assessments

Year 6
Living Things and their Habitats - Risk Assessments
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The Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides essential health and safety information for Year 6 teachers conducting practical activities in the topic of Living Things and their Habitats. This includes guidance on handling hazardous substances and conducting risk assessments. Teachers are directed to consult resources from either the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for comprehensive safety advice. PZAZ explicitly states that it is not responsible for any incidents resulting from the use of its provided materials, which range from lesson plans and CPD videos to risk assessments and other educational content. The risk assessments are developed with due diligence, reflecting the knowledge available at the time of creation.

For the safety of pupils, teachers, assistants, and classroom visitors, the risk profile for these lessons is classified as low. However, certain hazards are identified, such as the potential for illness from mould on food, allergic reactions to food substances, the flammability of methylated spirit, and the risk of slipping on spilled liquids. To mitigate these risks, PZAZ outlines several control measures. These include permanently sealing and properly disposing of bread bags used in experiments, washing hands after handling, being cautious around individuals with food allergies, ensuring no naked flames are present during the lesson, prohibiting the consumption of test food, and dealing with spills immediately. If chemicals like methylated spirit are used, an accompanying Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must be attached. Additionally, the guidance specifies the correct disposal methods for any waste created during the lessons.