Evolution and Inheritance - Risk Assessments

Science Resource Description
The Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides essential health and safety guidance for Year 6 teachers conducting practical activities in the 'Evolution and Inheritance' topic. Teachers are directed to consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed information on safely handling practical activities and hazardous substances. PZAZ emphasises that it bears no responsibility for the actions of individuals who utilise the information provided in their resources, which include lesson plans, CPD videos, risk assessments, and other materials. They state that the guidance is prepared with due diligence according to the knowledge available at the time.
The risk assessment identifies a low-risk profile for the lessons and outlines potential hazards such as plant allergies during outdoor learning, skin injuries from toothpicks, allergic reactions to food substances, and slipping on spilled liquids. To control these risks, several measures are recommended, including excusing students with allergies from certain activities, ensuring hand washing after contact with organic matter, exercising caution with toothpicks, cleaning up spills promptly, and approaching certain activities, such as comparing eye traits, with sensitivity. The document also prompts teachers to note if chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances are used, and provides instructions for disposal of materials used during the lessons.