Animals Including Humans - Risk Assessments

Science Resource Description
In the context of Year 6 science lessons on Animals including Humans, the Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides guidance on conducting risk assessments for practical activities involving children. Teachers are directed to consult with the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites to obtain relevant health and safety information, particularly when handling hazardous substances. PZAZ emphasises that it is not responsible for the actions of individuals who utilise the resources it provides, such as lesson plans and risk assessments, and it does not accept liability for any injuries or property damage that may result from following the advice given in these materials.
The risk assessment documentation outlines a series of potential hazards and control measures to ensure the safety of pupils, teachers, assistants, and classroom visitors during the lessons. Hazards identified include physical activities impacting those with respiratory and cardiac conditions, mental stress from exercise, allergic reactions to foods, burns from hot fat, and slip hazards from spilled liquids. Control measures suggested involve excusing students with certain health conditions from physical activities, supervising the use of a BBQ lighter, being mindful of food allergies, isolating smoke alarms when necessary, avoiding consumption of test foods, cleaning up spills promptly, and ensuring good hygiene practices post-activity. Additionally, the risk profile for these lessons is classified as low, and teachers are prompted to list any chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances used, along with appropriate disposal methods.