Microorganisms - Lesson Plan

Year 6
Microorganisms - Lesson Plan

Science Resource Description

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In this comprehensive lesson plan, Year 6 students explore the fascinating world of microorganisms, aligning with the National Curriculum's objectives. The lesson aims to develop various science skills such as planning investigations, presenting and analysing data, and evaluating investigations, with a particular emphasis on observing over time, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, as well as comparative and fair testing. Students will delve into the classification of living things, focusing on the characteristics that group organisms together, including the often-overlooked microorganisms. Prior knowledge from earlier stages may include basic awareness of illnesses like the flu and the concept of food spoilage. The lesson also makes cross-curricular connections, touching upon historical events like the Black Death, the science behind baking bread in art, graphing results in maths, and the importance of personal hygiene in PSHE.

The activities are designed to engage students actively, starting with creating a detailed fact file on the five groups of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, algae, and fungi. Students will research and document the characteristics, appearance, and examples of each group, noting their benefits or detriments to humans. In a hands-on activity, students will craft models of bacteria using various confectionery items, reinforcing their understanding of microbial structure. Another activity demonstrates how microorganisms can spread using glitter and baby lotion, simulating the transfer of microbes through contact. Finally, students will conduct an experiment to observe microbial growth on bread over time, learning about the effectiveness of different hand-cleaning methods. The lesson concludes with a plenary session where students self-assess their understanding of microorganisms, their classification, and their significance in various contexts.