Inheritance - Results Tables

Year 6
Inheritance - Results Tables

Science Resource Description

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The table presented seems to be designed for an educational activity focused on the inheritance of eye colour from parents to their children. The first row of the table prompts participants to note down the eye colour of the father, mother, and the child themselves. This simple exercise aims to illustrate the genetic patterns of inheritance and how certain traits, such as eye colour, are passed down through generations. It encourages observation and recording of familial traits to understand the basic principles of genetics.

Subsequent rows in the table repeat the heading 'Characteristics of Child' followed by two questions: 'Who is the Father?' and 'Who is the Mother?' This structure suggests that participants are expected to examine multiple characteristics beyond just eye colour, possibly to include hair colour, height, or other hereditary features. The activity likely involves deducing which parent certain traits were inherited from, based on observed characteristics of the child. This could be part of a broader lesson on genetics, helping students to comprehend how various attributes are inherited and the role of dominant and recessive genes in determining physical characteristics.