Inheritance - Objectives Labels

Year 6
Inheritance - Objectives Labels

Science Resource Description

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In Lesson 6.10, titled 'Inheritance', students will delve into the fascinating world of biological inheritance, where they will learn to recognise that living organisms produce offspring similar to themselves. However, the lesson will highlight the natural variations that occur, ensuring that these offspring are not exact replicas of their parents. This key aspect of inheritance underscores the diversity seen within a species. By engaging with this lesson, students will gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of heredity and the reasons behind the uniqueness of each individual within a species.

Students' comprehension of the material will be assessed through a series of reflective questions. They will be asked to confirm if they can articulate that species generally give birth to like offspring, and to explain the factors contributing to the differences between parents and their offspring, as well as the differences among the offspring themselves. These questions are designed to ensure that students not only grasp the concept that offspring resemble their parents but also appreciate the genetic variations that lead to individual differences. This understanding is crucial for a comprehensive knowledge of genetics and the dynamics of inheritance.