Forces - Answers

Year 5
Forces - Answers
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The answers provided pertain to a Year Five Forces quiz, covering various aspects of physics related to forces and motion. The unit of force is identified as Newtons, and students are asked to categorize situations as having balanced or unbalanced forces, with scenarios such as a car accelerating from traffic lights and a space rocket launching being examples of unbalanced forces, while a parked motorbike and sitting still on a chair represent balanced forces. Gravity is correctly described as a pull force that attracts objects towards the centre of the Earth, and common misconceptions are addressed, such as the difference between weight and mass and the gravitational strength of different celestial bodies.

Through an experiment conducted by Daniel and Helene, it is established that mass affects friction, with the results showing a direct relationship between the two; as mass increases, so does the friction experienced by a toy car. The dependent variable in the experiment is identified as force. In other questions, students explore the concept of air resistance and how a larger parachute can slow a parachutist's descent due to increased air resistance. Water resistance is the type of frictional force acting on someone diving underwater, and the streamlined shape of a cone is determined to be the quickest to sink in water due to reduced water resistance. Simple machines are discussed, highlighting their role in reducing the effort or energy needed to move a load, and the pivot point on a lever is named as the fulcrum. Finally, the interaction between connected cogs is explored, with the understanding that if one cog turns clockwise, the other will turn anti-clockwise.