Forces - Risk Assessments

Year 5
Forces - Risk Assessments
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In preparation for Year 5 lessons on Forces, the Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides essential guidance on conducting risk assessments to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved in practical activities. Teachers are directed to consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed information on safety protocols, particularly when handling hazardous substances. PZAZ emphasizes that it is not responsible for any incidents resulting from the use of its resources, which include lesson plans, CPD videos, and risk assessments, and that users should apply the information with due care.

The risk assessment identifies a low risk profile for the Forces lessons, with potential hazards that could affect pupils, teachers, assistants, and classroom visitors. These hazards range from falls and slip hazards due to liquids or dropped balls, to injuries caused by heavy objects, sharp bamboo skewers, ceramic pieces, and rockets used in experiments. To mitigate these risks, PZAZ recommends controls such as prohibiting standing on furniture during experiments, cleaning up spills immediately, using lightweight objects, implementing a warning system for loose balls, modifying sharp objects, ensuring prompt cleanup of breakable materials, adult supervision with tools, and the use of protective eyewear for activities involving rockets. The risk assessment also prompts teachers to consider if chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances are used, and to follow appropriate disposal methods for any waste generated.