Space - Risk Assessments

Year 5
Space - Risk Assessments

Science Resource Description

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The Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) provides guidance for Year 5 teachers planning practical activities within the topic of Space, emphasizing the importance of health and safety. Teachers are directed to consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed health and safety information, particularly regarding the handling of hazardous substances and conducting practical activities with children. It is made clear that PZAZ is not responsible for the actions of individuals using its resources, which range from lesson plans to CPD videos and risk assessments, and it does not accept liability for any injuries or damages that may occur as a result of following its advice.

PZAZ has developed its risk guidance with due diligence, based on the knowledge available at the time of preparation. The guidance includes definitions of key terms such as 'hazard', 'risk', and 'control', to help educators understand and manage potential dangers. The risk profile for space-related lessons is categorized as low, with potential hazards including injury from bamboo skewers, allergic reactions during outdoor learning, and skin punctures from compass points. To mitigate these risks, controls are suggested, such as blunting the points of skewers, excusing pupils with allergies from certain activities, and supervising the use of compasses. Additionally, it is noted that no chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances are used in these lessons, and disposal of any materials should be conducted through standard bins or sanitary means, as appropriate.

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