Separation by Filtration and Sieving - Lesson Plan

Year 5
Separation by Filtration and Sieving - Lesson Plan
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In this comprehensive lesson plan, students in Year 5 explore the properties and changes of materials, specifically focusing on the separation of mixtures through filtration and sieving. The lesson aligns with the National Curriculum, building on prior knowledge from earlier years, such as identifying everyday materials in Year 1 and understanding states of matter in Year 4. Students develop their scientific skills by planning investigations, presenting and analysing data, and evaluating their findings. They delve into the process of creating solutions and the methods used to separate mixtures, including the use of filtering, sieving, and evaporating. Health and safety considerations are emphasized, ensuring students conduct their experiments with care.

The lesson starts with an engaging story about Sadio, a new barista learning about coffee filtration, which introduces key concepts and vocabulary such as solute, solvent, and solution. Students then participate in hands-on activities, using equipment like colanders, sieves, and filter paper to separate mixtures of marbles, rice, and water. They compare different separation techniques and investigate the effectiveness of various grades of filter paper. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to ask questions and think critically about the separation processes. The lesson concludes with a plenary session where students reflect on their learning and apply their understanding to real-world scenarios, such as separating mixtures found at the beach. This lesson not only educates students on scientific principles but also integrates cross-curricular links with maths, geography, and history, providing a rich and engaging learning experience.