Living things and their Habitats - Risk Assessments

Science Resource Description
In a Year 4 science lesson focusing on Living Things and their Habitats, the Primary Science Advisory Service (PZAZ) emphasises the importance of health and safety during practical activities. Teachers are encouraged to consult the CLEAPSS or SSERC websites for detailed guidance on handling practical activities and hazardous substances safely. It is important to note that PZAZ does not accept responsibility for the actions of individuals who utilise its resources, such as lesson plans, CPD videos, risk assessments, or other materials. The information provided by PZAZ is given in good faith, with reasonable care and skill, based on current knowledge.
The risk assessment categorises the lesson's risk profile as low, with potential hazards identified for pupils, teachers, assistants, and classroom visitors. Hazards include the risk of scalds from splashing hot soup, respiratory irritation from airborne flour, and slipping caused by marbles on the floor. To control these risks, several measures are recommended: maintaining a safe distance from heated substances, turning off and cooling appliances post-activity, allowing airborne substances to settle, implementing a warning system for loose marbles, and ensuring thorough handwashing post-activity. The document also prompts teachers to consider whether chemicals, biological matter, or mains appliances are being used, and to follow appropriate disposal methods, which could include bin, water, stream, or sanitary systems.