Shadows - Presentation

Year 3
Shadows - Presentation
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In physics, specifically when studying light, one of the fascinating phenomena that intrigue both the young and old alike is the formation of shadows. Shadows occur when an object blocks the path of light, creating a dark shape on the surface opposite the light source. The shape of the shadow typically mirrors the shape of the object causing the obstruction. In a presentation aimed at explaining the concept of shadows, students are prompted to consider how shadows are formed, the role of opaque objects in blocking light, and the relationship between the shape of an object and its shadow. Moreover, the presentation explores how the size of a shadow can be manipulated by changing the distance between the object, the light source, and the surface where the shadow is cast.

Using the example of sundials, an ancient time-telling device, the presentation illustrates the practical application of shadows. A sundial uses the position of the sun's shadow cast by a gnomon (a thin, rod-like structure) to indicate the time of day. The length and position of the shadow change as the sun moves across the sky, providing a visual representation of time passing. The presentation also delves into the concepts of transparency and translucency, explaining how the opacity of an object affects the darkness of the shadow it casts. Through interactive activities and investigations, students are encouraged to observe how the distance from the light source and the angle of light can alter the size and shape of a shadow, enhancing their understanding of this natural occurrence.