Animal Survival - Teacher Explanation

Year 2
Pzaz Online

Science Resource Description

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Welcome to Lesson 2.2 on Animal Survival, tailored for Year 2 pupils as part of the 'Animals including humans' unit. This lesson aligns with the national curriculum's objective to teach children about the fundamental needs of animals, including humans, such as water, food, and air, which are essential for survival. Teachers are advised to consult the school's outdoor policy since some activities will take place outside. Safety considerations include supervising the use of scissors, and teachers may need to assist in making holes in bottles for an activity. This lesson also offers cross-curricular opportunities, incorporating design and technology (DT) as students will be crafting bird feeders, and English, through creating a pet care guide to accompany drawings of their pets or favourite animals.

The lesson begins with a discussion about the concept of 'survival' and what living things require to sustain life. While the focus is on animals, students might also draw parallels with plant needs. The conversation will cover not only the basics like food, water, and air but also other necessities such as shelter, warmth, and for humans, clothing. The lesson includes an activity where students create a pet care guide, encouraging them to think critically about the needs of their pets or a desired pet, and to explain the importance of each need for the animal's survival and well-being. Additionally, the lesson features a 'needs and wants' card game to help students differentiate between essential items for survival and those that are simply desirable. The highlight of the lesson is a hands-on project where pupils construct bird feeders, allowing them to observe wildlife up close and understand the importance of providing for animals. Lastly, the lesson includes an experiment to create a solar still, demonstrating how to purify water, which ties in the science of evaporation and condensation with practical survival skills.