Spellings - Set 8 Worksheet

English Resource Description
Set 8 of the Spelling Task Worksheet offers students a series of sentences with blank spaces, each requiring a specific word to be filled in that fits the context. This exercise is designed to help students improve their spelling and vocabulary. For example, the first sentence might be completed with a word like 'attitude', indicating how Robert's disposition influences his interactions with his new manager. The second sentence invites a word such as 'privilege', reflecting the honour of participating in a significant community event like the opening of a library.
Further sentences provide a diverse range of contexts, from professional fields such as the legal 'profession' to content advisories, where a television 'programme' might be deemed inappropriate for young children. The exercise also covers language skills, as seen in the sentence about George's 'pronunciation' of French, and practical daily advice from dentists who 'recommend' regular toothbrushing. Each blank in the sentences presents an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and enhance their spelling proficiency, ensuring they choose words that are not only spelled correctly but also contextually appropriate for each scenario.