Week 24, lesson 3 Phoneme "ear,eer,ere" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

English Resource Description
In the third lesson of Week 24, the children delve into the various spellings of the /ear/ phoneme, a key component of Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3. The objective of the day is clear: "Today we are learning ways to spell the /ear/ phoneme." The lesson kicks off with a lively 'High Frequency Word (HFW) Race', where the class reviews 10 high-frequency words using flashcards. Initially, the children read each word individually, with the option to sound it out. The activity then transforms into a competitive team game on the second round, as teams race to read the words the fastest.
The teaching segment introduces the Ear pictophones, prompting the class to identify the phoneme they represent. The children learn that the /ear/ sound can be written in several ways, and the teacher demonstrates this by writing the graphemes