Week 24, lesson 3 Phoneme "ear,eer,ere" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation

English Resource Description
In the third lesson of Week 24, part of Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3, students are introduced to the phonemes "ear," "eer," and "ere." The lesson begins by revisiting these sounds to reinforce students' familiarity with them. This is followed by a dynamic High Frequency Word Race to engage the children and refresh their memory of words that are commonly encountered in reading and writing. The activity serves as a fun way to review and ensure that these high-frequency words are quickly and easily recognised by the students.
The teaching phase of the lesson focuses on the specific phonemes "ear," "ere," and "eer," with examples such as "fear" and "cheer" for "eer," and "here" for "ere," helping students to differentiate between the sounds. Students then move on to practising these phonemes through a Rhyme Time activity, which encourages them to identify and produce rhyming words, enhancing their phonological awareness. To apply their learning, the class uses mini whiteboards for written work, allowing them to write words and sentences that include the target phonemes. This hands-on activity supports the consolidation of their understanding and provides a visual and tactile method to reinforce their phonics skills. The lesson concludes with a return to the main menu, signalling the end of the session and a transition to the next activity or subject.