Week 2, lesson 2 Blending - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

English Resource Description
In the second week of phonics phase 2, the lesson plan for day two is focused on the exciting process of blending sounds to form words. The objective for this lesson is to help the children use the phonemes they've been introduced to in the past few days and start combining them to build words. The class begins with a 'Quickdash' activity, where children quickly review the graphemes and pictophones they have learned, shouting out the corresponding phonemes and names with increasing speed to enhance recall and fluency.
The teaching segment of the lesson introduces sound segmenting, where the teacher selects a word, breaks it down into individual sounds, and then reassembles it. Words like 'sit', 'at', 'sat', 'pat', and 'tap' are segmented and then put back together as a whole class activity. In the practice phase, children play a 'Sound Talk' game, where they follow verbal instructions broken down into phonemes, such as patting their head or sipping a drink, potentially incorporating a 'Simon Says' element for added engagement. This is followed by a 'Sound Read' game where children read words from the board and then act them out, paying attention to sound buttons and reading direction. The application of the lesson involves children using mini whiteboards to write down dictated words and mark the sound buttons below them, like 'pit' and 'sat'. For those who are ready, extension activities with magnetic letters are available. The teaching notes emphasize the importance of blending without adding extraneous sounds to the phonemes and suggest using additional resources if a child finds this challenging. Sound buttons and bars are explained as visual aids to help children identify single phonemes and combinations that make one sound.