Week 2, lesson 2 Blending - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 2 Blending - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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The second lesson of Week 2 in the Phonics Phase 2 series is designed to enhance students' blending skills. The lesson structure is clear and systematic, starting with an introduction to the day's learning objectives. The lesson then moves to the 'Revisit' stage, featuring a 'Quickdash' activity that serves as a warm-up, allowing students to recap and consolidate their existing phonics knowledge in a dynamic and engaging way.

Following the warm-up, the 'Teach' phase of the lesson introduces new concepts or builds upon previously learned skills. This phase is critical as it lays the foundation for the rest of the lesson. Students then move into the 'Practise' sessions, where they are given the opportunity to apply the skills they have just learned. This could involve a variety of activities designed to reinforce their understanding and proficiency in blending sounds. The 'Apply' stage is where students get to demonstrate their learning in a practical context, often using tools such as a mini whiteboard to practice writing the sounds and words they are learning. The lesson concludes with an 'End of Lesson' segment that brings closure and potentially sets the stage for the next learning session.