Week 1, lesson 4 Phoneme "p" Grapheme "p" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 4 Phoneme "p" Grapheme "p" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan
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In the fourth lesson of Week 1, the focus is on the phoneme /p/ and its corresponding grapheme

. The objective of the day is to introduce young learners to the /p/ sound, using a fun and interactive character, the Pig in a Wig, to engage their interest. The lesson begins with a reveal of the Pig in a Wig card alongside the grapheme card

. This visual representation helps children to associate the sound with the letter and character.

The lesson continues with a revisiting activity where children use previously learned grapheme and pictophone flashcards to play a game of Sound Pops, enhancing their recall of the sounds. The teaching of the /p/ phoneme is made memorable through a story about the Pig in a Wig practicing an Irish jig. The story is designed to emphasise the /p/ sound, and the children are encouraged to mime the action of dancing legs with their fingers while sounding out /p/ /p/ /p/ in rhythm. After the story, the lesson moves on to practising the formation of the grapheme through air writing and tactile activities such as finger writing on a friend's back. To apply their new knowledge, the children engage in a Sound Spy game to identify objects beginning with the /p/ sound and practise writing the grapheme on mini whiteboards. For those ready for an extra challenge, extension activities like Letter Circling and Shaving Foam are provided. The lesson plan also includes a note for teachers, recommending the introduction of normal punctuation to prepare students for reading their first decodable book at the end of the following week.