Week 1, lesson 4 Letter formation - "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 4 Letter formation - "t" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
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The fourth lesson of Week 1 in the All Aboard Phonics Phase 2 curriculum focuses on the letter formation of the lowercase "t". This essential skill is developed through a variety of activities, including a worksheet that helps reinforce the correct formation of the letter. The worksheet is designed to be both educational and engaging, ensuring that children can practice their handwriting while also understanding the sound and function of the letter "t" within words.

One of the key exercises on the worksheet involves filling in the missing letter "t" in a set of words. This interactive task not only aids in letter recognition but also in phonemic awareness as students connect the sound of "t" with its written form. By completing words such as "_at" to form "tat" and "ta_" to make "tat", children are able to apply their knowledge of the letter "t" in a practical and enjoyable way. The worksheet is a component of the comprehensive Phonics Phase 2 Teacher Manual, which provides structured guidance for educators to support early literacy development.