Week 1, lesson 4 Phoneme "p" Grapheme "p" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 1, lesson 4 Phoneme "p" Grapheme "p" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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The phonics lesson for Week 1, Lesson 4 focuses on the phoneme "p" and its corresponding grapheme "p". This lesson is part of Phonics Phase 2 and is designed to help young learners recognise and pronounce the "p" sound correctly, as well as to identify the letter "p" in written form. The lesson structure is broken down into several segments, starting with an introduction to the sound and the letter. The presentation is interactive, allowing for navigation back to the menu at any point for ease of use.

After revisiting previous sounds to ensure retention and confidence, the lesson moves on to explicitly teach the "p" sound. This is followed by practice activities where children engage in exercises such as 'Sound Spy', which help reinforce their learning. As the lesson progresses, students are given the opportunity to apply their new knowledge of the "p" sound in different contexts, ensuring they can recognise and use the sound effectively. The lesson concludes with a wrap-up, allowing students to review what they have learned before heading back to the main menu, ready to proceed with their phonics journey.