Handball - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Handball - Lesson 4
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In the fourth lesson of the Striver Handball series for Year 6, pupils are expected to bring together the skills they've honed in previous sessions to play a full-size game of handball. The lesson's primary objective is for the students to be able to effectively utilise dribbling, shooting, intercepting, passing, blocking, and scoring techniques in a match situation. The success criteria focus on the pupils' ability to apply these developed skills during a game. Essential equipment for the lesson includes handballs and coloured bands or bibs to distinguish teams.

The lesson is structured to include a warm-up, main activity, and cool-down. Starting with a 10-minute 'Farmer Tag' warm-up, pupils engage in a dynamic game that encourages movement and agility. Variations to the game can be introduced to maintain engagement and challenge. The main 30-minute section includes 'Break Out for Triangle Passes' to practice quick passing and receiving, followed by a competitive game where the focus is on refining skills identified as needing improvement from the previous lesson. Pupil discussions are encouraged to reflect on their performance and strategise for improvement. The session concludes with a 10-minute cool-down where pupils race to return handballs to a basket, with emphasis on using their weaker hand and maintaining spatial awareness to avoid collisions.