Tennis - Lesson 3

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 4
Tennis - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the third lesson of a Year 4 tennis programme, students aim to understand the flight of the ball, focusing on throwing and catching skills as well as simulating a tennis serve. The lesson starts with a warm-up game called 'Cross the river', where pupils are challenged to create and navigate a pathway across a 'river' using throw-down lines, without stepping off. This activity not only gets the students moving but also emphasises the importance of balance and coordination. Variations and extensions of the game cater to different skill levels, including assistance for some pupils or increasing the challenge by reducing the number of lines used or introducing a team race element.

The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, is dedicated to 'Catch Tennis' activities which progressively build throwing and catching skills. Starting with solo exercises, pupils throw a ball up, let it bounce and then catch it with an upturned cone or with their hands. The activities progress to pairs, where students throw and catch the ball over a net, aiming to improve their accuracy and control. They are taught key points such as using a smooth arm swing for underarm throws and getting ready for the next catch with the correct hand positioning. A competitive element is introduced with a small court rally where pairs count consecutive catches and compete against others. The session wraps up with a cool-down involving various stretches, and a discussion to reflect on the skills practiced, particularly focusing on the ball's behaviour during the catch.

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