Tennis - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description
In Year 4's second tennis lesson, the aim is to enhance the pupils' ability to maintain a rally by hitting the ball consistently. The learning objectives set out clear targets for the students: to be able to hit the ball on the bat, and to execute both forehand and backhand shots. The lesson introduces key terms such as 'ready position', 'forehand', and 'backhand', which are crucial to understanding and performing the basic movements in tennis. Essential equipment for the lesson includes balls, rackets, and a defined playing area. The warm-up session involves a variety of ball control exercises, where pupils practice bouncing a ball on the ground with their hand while moving around the area, executing different actions as instructed. Variations and extensions to the warm-up are provided to cater to different skill levels, with the more advanced option involving the use of rackets and changing directions on command.
The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, begins with defining the playing area and demonstrating safe racket usage. Pupils are then engaged in activities like solo tennis ball tap-ups, where they aim to keep the ball in the air, and micro tennis, which involves gentle rallies with a partner. Key teaching points emphasize the correct grip, racket control, body positioning, and movement. To add a competitive edge, pupils participate in challenges such as counting tap-ups and rallying with a partner, with the possibility of winning a cone for achieving six consecutive hits. The lesson concludes with a 10-minute cool-down session, which includes controlled knee lifts to help pupils understand the importance of controlled movements. Pupil talk encourages reflection on the skills practiced during the lesson and the physical demands of tennis, as well as the significance of cooling down after exercise.