Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 3
Gymnastics 1 - Lesson 6
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In the sixth lesson of the Year 3 Gymnastics 1 series, the learning objective is to enable pupils to confidently take weight on their hands and roll safely, while exploring different rolling methods. The success criteria for this lesson are clearly laid out, with expectations that pupils will be able to demonstrate various rolling techniques, perform sequences with knowledge of entrances and exits, and explore different speeds and styles of travelling using a range of shapes and balances. Key vocabulary such as 'entrance', 'exit', 'rolling', 'weight', and 'front support' are introduced to enhance the pupils' gymnastic lexicon. Essential equipment for the lesson includes gymnastics mats and a few bibs for tag games.

The lesson starts with a warm-up session where the class teacher demonstrates the expectations of movement, using clapping signals to indicate when to start and stop. Pupils are encouraged to walk, jog, hop, skip, and run, while scanning for space and practising directional play. This is followed by a 'Front Support Tag' game, which involves pupils holding a front support position when tagged. The main part of the lesson involves pupils working in pairs to explore different types of rolls, such as the 'Log Roll', 'Egg Roll', and 'Teddy Bear Roll', with each roll incorporating specific shapes. Safety is a key focus, with pupils being reminded to keep their heads on the mat and their chins on their chests to avoid taking weight on their heads. The lesson concludes with a cool-down session of gentle stretches and a reflection on what has been learned during the unit.