Football - Lesson 3

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 3
Football - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the third lesson of a Year 3 football programme, the learning objectives are centred around enhancing the pupils' ability to pass the ball accurately and to control it effectively when receiving a pass. The success of the lesson is based on whether the pupils can confidently use the inside of their foot for both passing and controlling the ball. The key vocabulary introduced includes terms such as 'pass', 'inside', and 'outside'. Essential equipment for this lesson includes a class set of footballs and cones. The warm-up involves a dynamic activity where pupils dribble around a space scattered with cones of different colours and perform specific actions when a whistle is blown, such as turning, doing 'Quick Touches', or sprinting on the spot. To challenge pupils further, they are encouraged to dribble with their weaker foot and perform more advanced versions of the 'Quick Touches'.

The main part of the lesson is dedicated to developing the skill of passing with the inside of the foot, which allows for greater control and accuracy. The pupils are first shown how to pass and receive the ball, then they practice in pairs, starting at a comfortable distance from each other. The lesson progresses to a more complex drill where three pupils form a square with cones, passing the ball along the edges and moving to stay available for the next pass. An extension of this activity includes using the weaker foot and increasing the passing distance. The lesson also includes a game of 'Piggy in the middle', where teams of four create a triangle and try to pass the ball around a pupil in the centre who aims to intercept the passes. The cool-down consists of a series of stretches such as arm circles, side stretches, and leg stretches to ensure the pupils' muscles are properly relaxed after the physical activity. During this time, pupils reflect on when they might choose to pass during a game and discuss other ways to control the ball upon receiving a pass.

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