Football - Lesson 2

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 3
Football - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the second lesson of a Year 3 football course, the learning objectives are centered on enhancing students' ball control, dribbling, and turning skills. The success criteria set clear goals for pupils to use the correct part of the body to control the ball, keep it close and under control, and execute turns while maintaining this control. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes 'control', 'dribble', and 'turn', ensuring a focused learning experience. The equipment required for this lesson includes a class set of footballs and cones, which are essential for the practical activities planned.

The lesson is structured into a warm-up, main activity, and cool-down. During the warm-up, pupils practice dribbling within a defined area and respond to cues that require them to stop the ball and switch to another, incorporating quick touches to improve their agility. An extension activity challenges them to use their weaker foot for dribbling. The main part of the lesson involves pupils building on their dribbling skills by learning different turning techniques, with a key emphasis on keeping the ball away from defenders. Cone Gates and relay dribbling exercises encourage teamwork and the application of skills in a dynamic setting. The lesson concludes with a ten-minute cool-down consisting of gentle jogging and stretching exercises targeting various muscle groups, which helps to prevent injury and promote flexibility. Pupil discussions are encouraged throughout to reflect on the effectiveness of different turns in a game scenario.