Games 4 - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Games 4 - Lesson 4
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In the fourth lesson of the Year 2 Games series, students are set to refine their basketball skills with a focus on bouncing the ball with control. The learning objectives are clear: students should be able to bounce the ball while stationary, on the move, and at speed. The success criteria are set to ensure that pupils can demonstrate these skills effectively. Key vocabulary such as 'basketball', 'bouncing', 'control', and 'fingertips' is introduced to help students articulate their learning and understand the concepts being taught. Essential equipment for the lesson includes cones and basketballs of an appropriate size for Year 2 pupils.

The lesson is structured into a warm-up, main activities, and a cool-down session. Initially, students practice bouncing the ball continuously at their own pace, with a focus on using their fingertips for better control. Progressing from the warm-up, the main activities involve navigating through 'gates' made of cones while maintaining control of the ball, with the challenge increasing as students move faster and swap balls with peers. A game-like scenario is introduced with the 'danger zone' concept, where students must avoid losing control of the ball to prevent being sent to a specific area. The lesson culminates in a 1v1 activity where students compete to dribble the ball to and from opposing ends of the area. Throughout these exercises, key teaching points emphasize the importance of looking up, using fingertips, and keeping the ball close to the body. The cool-down brings the group back together for a 'Snake Bounce', where students follow a leader while bouncing their ball. The lesson plan is designed to build not only physical skills but also encourages pupils to engage in discussion about their experiences and progress.