Games 4 - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Games 4 - Lesson 1
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In the first lesson of Games 4 from Striver Lesson Plans for Year 2, children are introduced to the fundamentals of hockey, including how to hold and use a hockey stick and the basics of dribbling and trapping a ball. The learning objectives are clear: by the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to explain the equipment used in a hockey match, demonstrate how to dribble a ball, and stop a moving ball using a 'trap'. Key vocabulary such as 'hockey', 'dribbling', and 'trapping' are to be understood and used. The necessary equipment comprises hockey sticks, assorted coloured cones, and soft balls. The lesson kicks off with a warm-up where children familiarise themselves with hockey equipment through a fun corner game, encouraging them to look for space and listen to instructions.

The main part of the lesson spans 30 minutes and begins with a non-practical demonstration on how to correctly hold a hockey stick. The teacher shows the right hand positioning at the bottom of the grip, the left hand at the top, and the importance of using the flat side of the stick to hit the ball. Safety is emphasised with the rule of small backswings and no feet touching the ball. Following the demonstration, the children participate in practical activities such as dribbling around cones and practicing stopping the ball with a 'trap'. These exercises incorporate variations and extensions to challenge the children and enhance their skills. The lesson concludes with a cool-down where pupils discuss and demonstrate the skills they've learnt in groups, reinforcing safe handling of the stick and the correct techniques for dribbling and turning.