Dance - Lesson 3

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Dance - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the third dance lesson for Year 2 students, the aim is to create a short dance phrase inspired by the Catherine Wheel firework. The pupils are expected to demonstrate a variety of movements in different sizes and shapes, and to experiment with dance elements such as tempo, space, and rotation. They are encouraged to observe each other's work and provide feedback, with the support of the teacher, using simple dance terms. Key vocabulary for this lesson includes phrases like 'tempo', 'space', 'turning', 'rotation', and 'dynamic'. The lesson is well-equipped with gymnastic mats for the cool down, music for warm-up and firework-themed music for the main activities, as well as optional coloured pom-poms and cones to define the dance area.

The lesson begins with a warm-up where pupils move around to music, trying out different steps and responding to commands like 'Slow Motion' and 'Fast Forward'. The main session focuses on exploring and creating movements that mimic the spinning and bursting patterns of a Catherine Wheel. Pupils work in pairs to develop a sequence of 3-4 movements, incorporating ideas like turning jumps and circular floor patterns. They then perform their dance phrases to the class and receive constructive feedback. The lesson concludes with a cool down activity called 'Sparkler', where pupils use different body parts to make circular movements, gradually changing the tempo. Throughout the lesson, there are opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles, such as demonstrating movements or giving instructions.

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