Dance - Lesson 6

Physical Education Resource Description
In the sixth dance lesson of the Year 2 Striver Lesson Plans, children are encouraged to express the vivid and dynamic movements and sounds associated with fireworks through dance. The learning objectives are clear: pupils aim to perform a variety of movements to form a group dance phrase that captures the essence of fireworks, work collaboratively to recall and refine their choreography, and perform their dance as part of a class presentation. The success criteria include the ability to work as a group, recall choreography, refine ideas, and perform the choreographed dance, as well as providing feedback using simple dance vocabulary with teacher support. Key vocabulary terms such as 'phrase', 'recall', 'rehearse', and 'refine' are highlighted to enhance the children's understanding and communication of dance concepts.
The lesson is structured with a warm-up where children move to instructions such as 'jump', 'turn', and 'rocket', reflecting the actions of fireworks. They are encouraged to explore different travelling steps and floor patterns, with variations and extensions offered to cater to different abilities. The main part of the lesson involves rehearsing their group dance phrases, with a focus on key actions and elements such as direction, shape, size, tempo, and levels, culminating in a whole-class performance set to firework-themed music. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity called 'Goodnight', where pupils relax on gymnastic mats, stretching their arms and imagining the end of a firework display. This structured approach to learning dance not only teaches pupils about movement and performance but also fosters teamwork, creativity, and the ability to critique constructively.