Dance 1 - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description
In the fifth dance lesson for Year 1, part of the Striver Lesson Plans, the objective is to enable pupils to select and use a diverse array of movements to create a short dance phrase inspired by the colour black. The success criteria for the lesson include demonstrating a variety of sizes and shapes through different body movements, displaying creativity in their own balances, and providing feedback on their peers' work using simple dance vocabulary with the teacher's assistance. Key vocabulary terms such as 'phrase', 'motif', 'pathways', and a range of movement words like 'skipping', 'galloping', and 'jumping' are introduced. The equipment required includes gymnastic mats and colour-themed books, which serve as creative stimuli.
The lesson begins with a warm-up in the designated dance zone, where pupils practice finding space and demonstrate various travelling steps. The main part of the lesson involves pupils discussing the colour black, exploring the emotions it evokes, and associating it with different objects. They then experiment with movements that reflect these feelings, such as climbing or scrambling out of a hole, which is imagined as a black dot. Pupils work in pairs to mirror movements and create dance phrases, culminating in a performance for the class. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity that includes a repeat of the 'Colours' activity from the warm-up, stretching exercises on safety mats, and a breathing exercise to help pupils relax and prepare for the transition back to class.