Dance 1 - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description
In the third lesson of Dance 1 for Year 1, pupils are encouraged to explore and express the colour blue through movement, creating a short dance phrase. The learning objectives aim to develop the children's ability to select and use a variety of movements, responding imaginatively to stimuli, and to coordinate and link actions. Success is measured by their exploration of movement ideas, ability to repeat and link actions with coordination, and giving feedback using simple dance vocabulary with guidance from the teacher. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes words such as 'phrase', 'pathways', 'energy/weight', and a range of water-related terms like 'river', 'stream', 'sea', 'flow', 'bubble', 'calm', 'raging', 'waterfall', and 'waves'. Equipment and resources include gymnastic mats, music, colour-themed books, and optionally, coloured pom-poms or ribbons.
The lesson begins with a warm-up where pupils find their own space and practice different travelling steps, such as skipping and galloping, with variations and leadership opportunities to lead movements. The main activity focuses on the topic of 'Colours', specifically the colour blue, and involves discussions about the associations and feelings related to blue, and the creation of mood boards. Pupils then translate these ideas into movement, exploring different qualities of water through dance. The lesson concludes with pupils creating their own dance phrases in pairs, mirroring each other's movements, and performing to the class. Feedback is given based on the lesson's success criteria, and the cool down includes a repeat of the 'Copy Cats' activity, stretching, and breathing exercises, with leadership roles given to pupils throughout.