Medium Term Plan - Football - Year 9

Physical Education
Year 9
Whole School
Medium Term Plan - Football - Year 9
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The Year 9 Football Medium Term Plan is structured to span over six lessons with the intention of enhancing students' abilities to develop, implement, and refine game plans both as individuals and as a team. The aim is to outwit opponents through the application of core football skills in various competitive scenarios, with an emphasis on decision-making and team effectiveness. Students will delve into the principles of attack and defence, use deception to create opportunities, and work cohesively as a team while adhering to game rules. The skills focused on throughout the lessons include passing, receiving, shooting, dribbling, ball control, and defensive tactics such as marking and tackling.

The learning sequence is designed to build on fundamental skills, introducing an increased level of challenge and pace. Students will engage in pressurised game situations to refine their tactical planning, make decisions, and evaluate the outcomes for continuous improvement. Key concepts include outwitting opponents by mastering advanced football skills with accuracy and tempo, developing physical and mental capacity through warm-ups and game play, and honing decision-making and problem-solving abilities in game scenarios. The plan also prioritises personal development, encouraging students to prepare for exercise, build resilience, and understand the value of sportsmanship. Evaluative skills are cultivated to assess team performance and identify areas for improvement. Each lesson is tailored with differentiated tasks and assessment tools to cater to individual learning needs, ensuring all students progress from emerging to mastery levels in possession, attack development, skill replication, understanding set plays, and developing as reflective learners and creative thinkers.

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