"I Can!" Gymnastics Level Descriptors

Physical Education Resource Description
The "I Can!" Gymnastics Level Descriptors outline a progressive skill development framework for gymnastics education. At the 'Beginning' level, students can mimic and explore basic actions with a degree of control and coordination. As they progress to the 'Emerging' stage, they are able to copy, remember, and repeat simple actions, adjusting speed and levels with more precision. Moving on to the 'Developing' stage, students not only copy and remember actions but also begin to link and vary ideas, demonstrating improved control and coordination.
At the 'Exceeding' level, individuals link ideas, skills, and techniques with greater control, precision, and fluency, particularly when performing basic skills. Mastery is achieved when students can perform and create movement sequences that incorporate complex skills, showcasing accuracy and consistency. Additionally, students' understanding of composition evolves from choosing and linking basic actions with an awareness of space, to selecting and using a broad range of compositional skills in complex sequences, both individually and in groups. This includes an innovative approach to gymnastics. Reflective skills also develop, starting with watching and discussing their own and peers' work, to being able to analyse skills and suggest improvements with a sound knowledge and understanding. Finally, the descriptors cover safe practice, from performing teacher-led warm-ups to leading their own, demonstrating an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body and the importance of physical education for health.