Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Classifying shapes (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Classifying shapes (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students are encouraged to learn together through activities that focus on classifying shapes. One such activity asks students to identify the odd one out from a group of shapes based on the number of sides each shape has. The task directs students to observe that most shapes presented have four sides, and therefore, the shape that does not conform to this pattern is the one with five sides. This shape, having a different number of sides than the others, is singled out as not belonging to the group, reinforcing the concept of polygons and their properties.

Another similar activity challenges the students to discern which shape does not belong in a different set. This time, the distinguishing feature is not the number of sides but the overall form of the shapes. The students are presented with a collection that includes both ovals and circles. They must identify that the oval, with its elongated shape, is the outlier amongst the otherwise circular shapes. By crossing out the oval, students learn to differentiate between shapes that may have similar features but are not identical, honing their ability to classify shapes based on specific characteristics.