Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Classifying shapes (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Classifying shapes (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a lesson about classifying shapes, Year 4 students are encouraged to explore the similarities and differences between various geometric forms. The initial activity prompts them to consider how a set of shapes can be categorised. Upon observation, it becomes clear that the shapes presented are either squares or circles. The students learn to group them based on these properties, enhancing their understanding of shape classification and reinforcing their ability to distinguish between these two common geometric figures. This exercise serves as a fundamental step in recognising the characteristics that define squares and circles, such as the number of sides and the presence of curves.

The subsequent task challenges the students to identify the odd one out within a collection of shapes. In this instance, the rectangle is singled out as the shape that does not belong with the others, which are all squares. This activity develops critical thinking as students must discern the defining features of a square—such as having four equal sides and four right angles—and recognise that the rectangle, despite having four sides, has a different set of attributes. Through such exercises, students become more adept at classifying shapes and understanding the hierarchy and relationships within geometric families.