Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Review of odd and even numbers

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Work Book, Review of odd and even numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In Max Maths Year 4 Workbook, Practice 6 provides a review of odd and even numbers through engaging exercises. The first activity requires students to visually group dots in pairs and determine whether the total number of dots is even or odd. They are presented with a series of dot groupings and must circle the pairs, then mark their answers by ticking the appropriate box. An example is provided to guide them through the process, illustrating how to identify even and odd groupings, thereby reinforcing their understanding of these fundamental numerical concepts.

The second task in the review focuses on number recognition, asking students to colour in the circles that contain even numbers. A collection of numbers is presented, ranging from single to triple digits, and students must sift through these to find the even ones. This activity not only serves as a review of odd and even numbers but also encourages careful analysis and attention to detail as students work through the list. Through these exercises, children practice and consolidate their knowledge of odd and even numbers, which is a key mathematical concept at this stage of their learning.