Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Counting to 10000 (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Counting to 10000 (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the "Max Maths" Year 4 curriculum, students are encouraged to build their skills in counting and understanding numbers up to 10,000. The "Try it" section presents a practical exercise where children are tasked with completing a series of counting sequences. In the first activity, they are asked to count by adding 1,000 each time, starting from 2,000. This helps them grasp the concept of incrementing numbers in larger units and recognises the pattern as they progress to 3,000 and beyond.

The second part of the exercise shifts the focus to adding smaller units, specifically tens, starting from 5,500. Students add 10 repeatedly, seeing the number steadily increase and reinforcing their understanding of place value and the cumulative effect of adding smaller increments. The final part of the activity requires adding 100 to a starting number, which bridges the gap between adding tens and adding thousands. This varied approach not only enhances their counting skills but also prepares them for more complex mathematical concepts. The exercise is designed to be interactive and engaging, fostering confidence in young learners as they become proficient in counting to 10,000.